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It was while the Shaarei Torah, Reb Binyomin Zev Lev, was
rov in Kellin that his special son, Reb Yirmiyohu, was
Few details are known to us about his youth, but when he was
only seventeen he received smicha from the
gaon, R' Mordechai Banet, the rov of Nicholsburg.
Reb Yirmiyohu married Baila Chaye, daughter of R' Zvi Hirsch
Paaper, a distinguished Jew from Semnitz who was a great
talmid chochom and an expert in the Toras
R' Yirmiyohu lived and learnt with his father-in-law for
several years. He then returned to his father, who had
meanwhile been appointed rov in Verbau.
During those years, R' Yirmiyohu traveled to the great
leaders of the time to learn from their ways and their
Torah. When he reached Pressburg and learnt with the holy
Chasam Sofer, the latter was duly impressed with the young
scholar. A short letter that the Chasam Sofer later wrote to
the Divrei Yirmiyohu testifies to the high regard in which
he held him. In it he writes, "Do not take offense or think
that I am not replying at length because your question is
not worthy. Far be it, I regard your words as valuable
stones but simply have no time!"
In the year 5604 (1844), when R' Yirmiyohu was thirty-three
years old, the community in Magendorf begged the Shaarei
Torah to persuade his son to accept the rabbonus in
their town. R' Yirmiyohu led this town for eight years until
his father was niftar on 2 Adar 5611 and he then took
over his father's position in Verbau.
Shortly after, he was appointed rov in Ujhel and this became
his home.
His home was in Ujhel, but his net was spread over the
length and breadth of Hungary, his Torah reverberating all
He is particularly remembered for his courage and the part
he played in the battle against the maskilim. In fact
he was such a thorn in their side that they were ready to
even kill him; and they reported him to the authorities on
the basis of a "crime." However, when R' Yirmiyohu appeared
before the court they saw before them a distinguished, noble
person and cancelled the case against him.
Together with four other gedolei hador, they formed a
delegation to meet the Emperor Franz Joseph for permission
to completely segregate the Reform from the religious
community. The Emperor granted this request and thus they
saved Hungarian Orthodox Jewry from being assimilated.
The Divrei Yirmiyohu fell ill in Adar 5634 (1874) and on the
first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach (in chutz la'aretz),
17th of Nisan, he was niftar. He was buried in the
new cemetery of Ujhel.
After his passing, his talmidim set up a fund for the
printing of his seforim. They published the two-
volume Divrei Yirmiyohu on the Rambam and
later his sefer Droshos Anshei Hashem.
Recently his seforim on maseches Kiddushin and
maseches Kesuvos were published directly from his
handwritten manuscripts, and were widely acclaimed in the
Torah world.
The Divrei Yirmiyohu's determination in his battle against
the maskilim was rooted in a farsighted concern for
the future of our nation.
To this end he considered it of primary importance to bring
people to respect the talmidei chachomim of his
generation. The Divrei Yirmiyohu expended much effort on
this point. For example, when the Maharam Shick,
zt"l, passed through Ujhel, Reb Yirmiyohu went out
with his pupils to meet him with great honor, which in turn
made all the townspeople follow them, giving the visiting
rabbi a royal welcome like the one accorded to Yisro by
Moshe Rabbeinu.
Likewise, when Reb Yirmiyohu hosted a meal in his home for
the public, as on Simchas Torah in honor of the Chosson
Torah, instead of seating the president and prominent
heads of the town at the head table, he would seat first the
talmidei chachomim and only then the community
dignitaries. Difficult as it was to change the common
custom, it brought respect and value to the Torah
On one occasion, a certain rabbi passed through the town on
his way to the Chasam Sofer in Pressburg. He asked the
Divrei Yirmiyohu, who knew the Chasam Sofer well, to write
him a letter of recommendation saying who he was, so that
the Chasam Sofer, who would surely respect his words, would
treat him as befit his stature. How great was his
disappointment when the Divrei Yirmiyohu refused to do him
this small favor. He had no choice but to continue on his
way to Pressburg with a heavy heart.
Upon his arrival at the home of the holy Chasam Sofer, the
rabbi received a warm welcome, was ushered in and treated
with unusual honor. Puzzled, the rabbi wondered: "The holy
Chasam Sofer does not even know me. Why have I, a mere
stranger, merited such distinguished treatment?"
Noticing his astonishment, the Chasam Sofer explained, "The
Gaon of Ujhel wrote me a letter and sent it with an express
messenger, saying that you had been there and asked for a
letter of introduction and recommendation. Since he
considered it belittling for the Torah that a talmid
chochom such as you should have to carry his own letter
of approbation, as does a common "schnorrer," he
refused to give you such a document and instead wrote a
letter personally introducing you and asking that you be
respected as a godol beTorah."
The maskilim were out in full force in the city of
Krali, where the gaon R' Moshe Perls was rov. Since
he would not allow them to initiate changes in the daily
prayers, they agitated against him personally, threatening
him in many ways until they slandered him to the authorities
and R' Moshe was forced to flee his home town. His travels
took him through the town of Ujhel, where he decided to stay
for Shabbos.
Upon hearing that such an eminent guest would be joining
them, the gabboim asked the Divrei Yirmiyohu if they
should tell Reb Moshe that their rabbi would like to give
the visitor the honor of addressing the congregation in the
large Beis Medrash on Shabbos morning. Much to their
surprise, Reb Yirmiyohu waved away their suggestion. Their
surprise only multiplied when, on Shabbos morning, after
krias HaTorah, the rov stood up and announced that he
would like the visiting rabbi to honor the crowd with a
"What was the reason for yesterday's decision and what was
the reason for today's?" they wondered, "and why the abrupt
change? How could the Rov just send for the rabbi without
giving him ample time to prepare his drosho, thus
risking an embarrassing situation?"
"This is exactly the point," exclaimed the Divrei Yirmiyohu.
"I wanted you to see the greatness of this guest of ours. I
deliberately did not ask him two days in advance so you
should not think he needs so much time to prepare his
drosho. Indeed I wanted you all to witness with your
own eyes his greatness in Torah. Even though you just
honored him now with the pulpit, he immediately delivered a
wonderful drosho, thus impressing on you all the true
greatness of our talmidei chachomim."
Out of necessity the Divrei Yirmiyohu together with the
Chasam Sofer and Maharam Shick, set up the Chevras Shomrei
Hadas whose purpose was to protect and uphold the respect
given to Torah. As the gaon Rav Feivel Plaut, a
talmid of the Chasam Sofer, wrote in his
hesped after the petirah of the Divrei
Yirmiyohu: "He was the first and foremost to set up the
Chevras Shomrei Hadas, without which our holy Torah, which
already being singed by those who wanted to burn it, would
have, chas vesholom, been consumed. Had it not been
for his work every believer of Torah would have become a
mockery, a tragedy that has been averted due to his holy
Zechuso Yogein Oleinu!
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