Is it Reasonable to Go Study in Eretz Yisroel in the Midst of
an Intifadah?
Many people, both inside and out of Eretz Yisroel, are
bewildered by the recent events: should one come here or
Preparations for the Yomim Noraim
by Rabbi Yerachmiel Shlomo Basner
Our rabbis established the custom of blowing the shofar
during Elul in order to awaken us to do teshuva. Reb
Aharon Kotler, zt"l, writes that we have inherited a
great fortune: we can attain great heights in teshuva,
Torah, and service of Hashem during Elul with comparatively
little effort, as compared with the rest of the year.
Problems Create Experts
by Rabbi Moshe Young
A person who buys an old car is more likely to know more about
cars than someone who buys a new one. People always have
stories to tell about mistakes the bank made or an
inefficiency by the tax office. They become experts as a
result of problems, and are ready to give advice to the
unwary. It is the same with health, with education and with
anything from how to fix a tap to how to find a good
Notice to Our Readers
It has come to our attention that an example given in a recent
article about waiting in line could be misunderstood. One of
the illustrations of the principles discussed at length in the
article was an adult who was under time pressure to go to
daven faced with a line of school children who were not
in a rush. It was not a real situation but an example chosen
for illustration.
This is My Consolation in my Misery
by L. Jungerman
This week contains the portion of the tochochoh, the
Divine Rebuke. The Midrash asks in Parshas Re'ei
why the baal korei does not interrupt the Torah reading
before he has completed the entire Rebuke and its curses. In
other words, why is it that the person who is called up to
that section must bear going through the entire gamut of
curses, when these could have been divided up among the others
who are called up before and after him?
Media Bias Against Israel and Jews
To The Editor:
After many years surveying the "liberal" media it is virtually
impossible to avoid concluding that it applies double-
standards to Israel. I think I can summarize the assumptions
underlying their position as follows:
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