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Forty-five years from his passing
Excitement filled the air. The small, humble houses took on
a new sparkle. The streets of Kovna, still decorated with
the last remnants of snow, prepared themselves for the big
day. Preparation was something apparent in the house of R'
Yaakov Moshe Karpas, a prominent balabos who revered
Torah and mussar. This house was to receive the
founder of the mussar movement, the kedosh
Yisroel HaGaon Hatzaddik Reb Yisroel Salanter. In this
house, Reb Yisroel was going to give a mussar shmuess
to a select group of bnei aliyah.
And so, R' Yaakov Moshe's house was being transformed into a
beis mussar. Benches brought from a nearby
kloiz were placed in the large inner courtyard. The
tables and beds were removed and it was prepared to absorb
the thirst for mussar that Reb Yisroel's
chaburoh had. A member of the group was posted at the
gate to ensure that no young bochurim entered. This
shmuess was only for select avreichim.
A murmur swept through the crowd -- Reb Yisroel had arrived!
They pressed forward, trying to catch a glimpse of his
radiant countenance. They gazed at him and stretched out
their hands for a brocho of sholom aleichem.
Many eyes longingly followed Reb Yisroel until he entered
the house. The doors were locked, and only the
chaburoh remained.
To be more exact, almost only the chaburoh remained.
There was one boy, an eight year old boy, who managed to
slip in with his father for the shmuess. This boy was
Shmuel Hillel Shenker. His father was Reb Avrohom Shenker,
one of Reb Yisroel's greatest disciples. The boy stood in
the corner of the room, gazing at Reb Yisroel with shining
eyes, and swallowed every word that came out of his mouth.
He digested them and stored them deep in his memory to
remember always.
He heard one shmuess and then stayed for another one.
He stood in the corner, drinking in ruchniyus
principles, goals and eternal memories. When the
shmuess was over, R' Avrohom took his son by hand,
approached the kedosh Yisroel and asked him for a
brocho, to bench his child prodigy. Reb
Yisroel placed his two hands on the boy's head and
benched him to grow in Torah and yiras
Shomayim. The boy, whose head was down during the
brocho, lifted his eyes, looked at Reb Yisroel
warmly, and answered amen together with his
Reb Avrohom Shenker and his son went home to nearby Slobodke
with an exalted feeling. Shmuel Hillel now possessed a
brocho that was worth more than all the treasures in
the world.
A year later, Reb Yisroel Salanter was niftar.
The boy grew up under his father's watchful presence, and
his father's image, which was like a mal'och Elokim,
remained with him his entire life. Reb Avrohom was one of
the closest disciples of HaRav Yisroel Salanter zt'l.
His friends, Reb Yitzchok Blazer, Reb Naftoli Amsterdam and
Reb Simcha Zissel Broide, the Alter of Kelm, treated him
with utmost respect and a special admiration. He was born in
Slobodke, grew up there and raised his son Reb Shmuel
Hillel, who followed in his ways.
Reb Shmuel spent his early years in Slobodke, but
unfortunately his father passed away. Orphaned at a young
age, he was crushed by the tragedy and refused to be
comforted. His only comfort was the desire to continue
growing, to continue being uplifted in Torah and
mussar. This is what sustained him during the
difficult times. He traveled to the Talmud Torah in Kelm to
absorb the Torah and mussar of the Alter, Reb Simcha
Zissel of Kelm.
Kelm was fertile soil to develop his genius capabilities and
bring out his potential in ruchniyus treasures and
outstanding yiras Shomayim. The gates of wisdom
opened for him, and he cleaved to his rebbe and his
teachings with every sinew of his inflamed soul. He absorbed
the Kelmer mussar approach in its entirety until all
his limbs became tangible emunah and avodas
Hashem. It was not for naught that he merited a close
relationship with his rebbe Reb Simcha Zissel. He
recognized his capabilities and the tremendous kochos
hanefesh that would some day make him into a leader of
the mussar movement in Eretz Yisroel.
The days passed. Reb Shmuel gained a respectable reputation.
Talmidei chachomim and geonim in Torah spoke
of his outstanding character with admiration.
To Eretz Yisroel
At that time, Reb Shmuel decided to go up to Eretz Yisroel
with his relative, Reb Tzvi Pesach Frank, who later became
chief rabbi of Yerushalaim. They wanted to walk on the dust
of the eretz hakodesh and establish their lives in
it. Reb Shmuel went to his rebbe, the Alter of Kelm,
to ask his advice. When the Alter saw how much his soul
yearned to go up to Eretz Yisroel, he benched him and
said, "You have ruach chaim, courage and a strong
Reb Shmuel stood before his rebbe and asked him to
place his hands on him. Reb Simcha Zissel refused. Reb
Shmuel, however, persisted. "When I was young and my father
took me to Reb Yisroel Salanter, he benched me with
his two hands on my head."
Reb Simcha Zissel was surprised and said, "Could it be? The
Alter [referring to Reb Yisroel] really put his hands on
you?" The Alter of Kelm also put his hands on him,
benched him and sent him lesholom.
When they first came to Eretz Yisroel, they settled in the
port city Yaffo, where they joined Reb Naftoli Hertz
zt'l, rov of Yaffo and one of the tzadikim of
the generation. He loved to discuss divrei Torah with
him and praised Reb Shmuel very highly. He immediately
discerned his brilliance and talents.
They stayed there just a short time and then decided to move
to Yerushalaim.
When Reb Shmuel moved to Yerushalaim, his presence added
another stone to the walls of Yerushalaim shel maalo.
Reb Shmuel became an integral part of the spiritual
He himself felt the city's holiness immediately and began to
cling to its gedolim and tzadikim. He observed
their actions and ways and clung to the life of
kedusha and taharoh that prevailed on the
entire surroundings. He found a corner in the beis
medrash to continue delving into Torah, while
accustoming himself to a life of histapkus and
separation from havlei Olom Hazeh.
At that time, the great gaon, rabo shel
Yerushalaim, HaRav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, who highly
admired him and recognized his great potential, proposed
that he marry his oldest daughter. In 5655 (1895), Reb
Shmuel Hillel married the tzadekes Laya Genendle.
Immediately after his wedding, he went to a quiet corner and
delved into the depths of Torah once again, constantly
growing as his powerful neshomoh drew buckets of
Torah and yiras Shomayim. His great abilities would
one day shake the entire Yerushalaim. Sometimes, he used to
go to Yaffo to learn Torah in perishus.
His righteous wife was happy with her pleasant portion -- a
husband who was entirely Torah, a man who was constantly
growing in kedusha and gadlus. One of her
friends once asked her if her husband helped her in the
house. The rebbetzin jumped up and said, "If Hashem
granted me a golden vessel, would I use it for ordinary
The Grach of Brisk admired and respected Reb Shmuel Hillel
greatly. In 5671 (1911), when he went on a mission for the
yeshiva to chutz lo'oretz, Reb Shmuel stayed in Brisk
for an entire year at Reb Chaim Brisker's house. The Griz
zt'l also enjoyed hearing stories of gedolei
Yisroel from Reb Shmuel and said, "Reb Shmuel is very
precise in his stories."
During that period, Reb Shmuel and the Griz once discussed
the mussar method. Reb Shmuel, who was a proponent of
the mussar method, said to the Griz about his father
the Grach, "Yes mussar, no mussar. Everything
I saw by my rebbe Reb Simcha Zissel, I saw by your
father Maran HaGrach zt'l."
Reb Shmuel forged a special relationship with the gedolei
Yisroel who admired him greatly. His footsteps are
engraved on every page of the chronicles of Yerushalaim
shel maalo.
When the Chofetz Chaim's son, Reb Leib zt'l, first
visited Eretz Yisroel, the Chofetz Chaim told him to stay at
Reb Shmuel Shenker in Yerushalaim, at his humble home in
Botei Machse in the Old City. Although he was well-to-do and
could have afforded a much nicer hotel, Reb Leib listened to
his father's instruction; his father knew that Reb Shmuel's
house was the best place to stay in the ir
In 5683 (1923), when Reb Isser Zalman Meltzer came, all the
chachomim and gedolim of Yerushalaim came to
greet him. For the entire day, people knocked at his door.
At night, when he was very tired, they closed the door and
did not let anyone else in. However, when Reb Isser Zalman
heard that Reb Shmuel had come, they opened the door for
him. Reb Isser Zalman said, "Reb Shmuel is very dear to me.
He is the son of the well known gaon and
tzaddik Reb Abramchik Tanis of Kovna. Tzaddik ben
tzaddik! Make room for him!"
Reb Shmuel exchanged many letters with Reb Nochum Zeev, the
Alter of Kelm's son, who highly admired him as he knew that
he was one of his father's prominent disciples. One of the
letters that was published in the writings of the Alter of
Kelm discusses Reb Shmuel's treasure -- thirty-eight of his
father's essays. To quote the letter: Know my dear friend
that you possess great riches and much treasure, enough for
a few generations -- thirty- eight essays full of wisdom and
mussar from the holy maran Abba zt'l. Behold
the words of mussar wisdom are basically main
principles, the little that contains much, innumerable
details. They can be expanded on according to the readers'
intelligence and the preparation of their hearts. I
mentioned intelligence and heart because most people are
given intelligence as a talent, but the heart is an
acquisition [that one must acquire himself]. Therefore, true
success is dependant only on both of them, on the condition
that one goes in the proper order as the posuk
And You Shall Rejoice
His happiness sprung from the depths of his heart, the
happiness of a servant content with his master and serving
him with a complete heart. His expressions of rejoicing
during times of simcha were famous. Reb Shmuel
achieved spiritual heights and his feet lifted him to dance
from the depths of his soul.
Once, the Gavad of Ponovezh stayed in Yerushalaim on chol
hamoed Sukkos. He was in Yeshivas Chevron for the
simchas beis hashoeva to see the simcha of the
Torah and gave a drosho to the talmidim.
Reb Shmuel Hillel, who was an integral part of yeshiva life,
was extremely joyous and danced wondrously. It left a deep
impression on the talmidim who would later reminisce
about it longingly.
When the talmidim of the Ponovezher Rov came to visit
him in the convalescent home in Beis HaKerem on Simchas
Torah, he immediately asked them, "Did you already see
Reb Shmuel Hillel Shenker on Simchas Torah?" He
immediately instructed them, "Go see what a true
simcha is!"
A Man Who Was Zealous for Hashem's Name
The spirit of Hashem burned in Reb Shmuel Hillel's heart. He
was not able to tolerate the fact that the city of Hashem
was being devoured by reshoim who were trying to
destroy everything holy. It pained him deeply that the
"chofshim" were abound in the Eretz Hakodesh.
It wasn't enough that they themselves were crude
transgressors, but they came under the guise of nationalism
and influenced many to follow their evil ways.
He also fought the government rabbonim with all his might.
He once met one of these rabbis near the gate of Meah
Shearim. He turned to him and said, "Rabbonim is the
roshei teivos of reshoim bechayeihem nikro'im
The rabbi asked him, "And where is the yud?"
Reb Shmuel immediately answered, "Indeed, these rabbonim are
missing the yud, the Yiddishe nekudoh."
In one of the small yeshivos in the middle of the country,
they started learning English. The lessons were held
privately, outside of the yeshiva building after school
hours. Reb Shmuel found out. When he met the Chazon Ish at
his grandson's wedding (they were related), he protested.
The Chazon Ish immediately contacted the one responsible and
told him, "Don't torture Reb Shmuel Shenker. Don't do
They once wanted to give a eulogy in Yeshivas Chevron for a
rabbi who was not accepted by the gedolim. Who stood
in the breach and did not allow it? Reb Shmuel Hillel. He
went to the one responsible for the decision and showed him
one of the chapters of Shaarei Teshuva of Rabbeinu
Yonah. The matter was dropped immediately.
When the excitement over the establishment of the State
reached its peak, he did not enable those who wanted to say
Hallel to do so. In yeshiva, immediately after
chazoras hashatz on 5 Iyar, Reb Shmuel went to the
aron, opened it and started saying Tehillim:
"Ya'ancho Hashem beyom tzoro." With that, he
prevented saying Hallel for once and for all. The
yeshivaleit still speak about it.
In Yerushalaim he was also one of the founders of a holy
organization whose goal was to guard the kedusha and
tznius of the city of Yerushalaim. The president of
the organization was Reb Moshe Yosef Hoffman zt'l
along with Reb Shmuel, Reb Yitzchok Shlomo Blau and Reb
Shlomo Wexler. They watched over the city and any breach was
met with a vigorous protest, which scared the
In the Gates of Kabboloh
A few years after his rebbe, Reb Simcha Zissel of
Kelm, was niftar, Reb Shmuel began learning the
hidden Torah in light of a hint from the Alter. He selected
a small group of talmidim to give a daily
shiur in kabboloh and davened with them
in his house everyday as well.
He also had a set shiur before sunrise on Shabbos
morning to learn kabboloh with his father-in-law Reb
Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt'l.
In 5701 (1941) when the Nazi ym's troops were at the
southern border of Eretz Yisroel, he took ten of
Yerushalaim's famous mekubolim and went from one end
of the country to the other saying yichudim and
sheimos kedoshim. The tzadikim of Yerushalaim
in those days said that this procession saved Eretz Yisroel
from the butchers yemach shmom. It was during that
time that Reb Shmuel also arranged for the saying of
Tehillim in all the mekomos hakedoshim.
On 9 Iyar 5704 (1944), his beloved son Reb Mendel Shenker
passed away when he was only forty-six. Reb Shmuel, whose
belief in the coming of Moshiach was a tangible
emunoh, did not shed tears. Only the following words
slipped out of his mouth, "Here he is . . . here is
Another year passed and another son was taken from him. Reb
Yisroel passed away in the prime of his life on 27 Teves
5705 (1945). Reb Shmuel was struck with the death of his
youngest and most beloved son, who had been his comfort. He
accepted the din with love and continued to serve his
Creator with ahavoh and simchah.
A year later, on 26 Teves, the night before he was
niftar, he was laying sick with pneumonia. He was
extremely weak. His grandson said to him, "Zeide tomorrow is
Tatte's yahrtzeit. It's a pity that you can't come
with us to the cemetery."
"I will be in the beis hakevoros tomorrow," Reb
Shmuel answered confidently.
"How could it be, Zeide?" the grandson asked. "How can you
"You'll see. I'll be there tomorrow."
The next day Reb Shmuel's sickness flared up and his
condition worsened. He asked his grandson to call Reb Meir
Chodosh, the mashgiach of Yeshivas Chevron. He wanted
to tell him the secret he heard from Reb Naftoli Amsterdam
before he was niftar. He had heard it from Reb
Yisroel Salanter who heard it from Reb Zundel Salant. Reb
Zundel received it from Reb Chaim of Volozhin who heard it
from the Vilna Gaon. Reb Shmuel wanted to transmit this
secret to Reb Meir Chodosh, but he was unable to come
because it was the day of his son's wedding. That night Reb
Shmuel's holy neshomoh left him and he took the great
secret with him to the grave.
Reb Shmuel fulfilled his word. He came to the cemetery on
the day of his son 's yahrtzeit -- for his eternal
rest. The day was 27 Teves 5716 (1956). He was given a great
honor in his death -- his aron was brought to the
courtyard of Yeshivas Chevron. All the talmidim and
people of Yerushalaim stood outside as the rosh
yeshiva, Reb Chazkel Sarna zt'l gave an emotional
eulogy based on the posuk, "ubesiridim asher
Hashem korei" in which sorid refers to a
talmid chochom.
As a faithful son devoted to the mussar method, he
fulfilled the instruction of his great rebbe and
opened the gates of the first beis mussar in
Yerushalaim and Yeshivas Or Chodosh in Strauss. The beis
mussar was zoche to encompass the
Yerushalmim who were thirsting for a bit more
yiras Shomayim.
Many of the chachmei Yerushalaim joined this wondrous
group of bnei aliyah and became part of the beis
Reb Shmuel joined this holy group and secluded himself
entirely in the daled amos of Torah and
The letterhead of Or Chodosh contained the following
statement: "Founded in 5657 beruach Yisroel Sabbo kadisha
rashkebehag Gaon Yisroel Salanter zy'a by his
disciple hagaon zy'a chochom umekubol eloki Reb
Simcha Zissel of Kelm zy'a." The connection between
Reb Simcha Zissel and the yeshiva is quite apparent. He gave
his blessings and urged the founding of a beis mussar
in the ir hakodesh. He sent many letters praising and
encouraging its mussar methodology.
His father-in-law Reb Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld was also a
partner in this mokom Torah and mussar. He
even obtained a haskomo from Reb Yehoshua Leib Diskin
for it. Reb Yosef Chaim had gone to the Brisker Rov holding
the newspaper, Hatzefira, which contained sharp
articles against the mussar approach. He was
intending to show it to Reb Yehoshua Leib when the Brisker
Rov saw the infamous newspaper and cried, "A tomei
newspaper in my house!"
He immediately commanded Reb Yosef Chaim to go four
amos out of his house and read him the newspaper from
A short time later, the Brisker Rov published an
enthusiastic letter supporting the beis mussar.
The beis mussar produced gedolei Yerushalaim
who constantly grew under its auspices on Chevron Street in
the Old City. It bustled with Toras hamussar.
Talmidei chachomim and tremendous geonim
entered its walls including Reb Mordechai Leib Rubin, the
famous Yerushalmi ravad, Reb Leib Turos, known for
every good middo and who never said an idle word; Reb
Chaim, the veteran melamed of Eitz Chaim, Reb Eli
Memkes (Landau), descendent of the Gra, Reb Yosef Neiman,
father of the Gedulei Shmuel. Reb Yosef Shimshulevitz
is still there, a man who is a yirei Hashem and
fluent in Shas, who was so scared of the final day of
judgment that he fainted when he heard someone say that the
mikve is boiling like Gehennom.
On 21 Cheshvan 5659 (1899) the members of Or Chodosh
requested that Reb Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld accept the
presidium of the yeshiva. "We, the members of the exalted
yeshiva, kollel avreichim, perushim, Beis HaTalmud
and Yeshivas Or Chodosh in Yerushalayim ir hakodesh
turn to hadar geono shlita that he please fulfill our
desire to crown us with his glorious presence and be our
rosh mesivta. Torah we will seek from his mouth and
Hashem should desire that he succeed in strengthening Torah
and glorifying it. Hashem Who dwells in Tzion will show us
wonders from his Torah and as his soul desires he will
expound it for good. The signers: fourteen of the best
learners of the yeshiva kedosha."
Reb Chaim of Brisk zt'l also wrote enthusiastic
letters supporting the beis mussar. This is one of
"The beis medrash, kollel avreichim and outstanding
yeshiva Or Chodosh in Yerushalaim t'v
according to the preference of the rebbe and light of
Yisroel, HaRav Yisroel Salanter zy'a, which is under
the auspices of the gaon Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
and his son-in-law HaRav Shmuel Hillel Shenker, son of the
gaon and tzaddik Reb Avrohom Shenker-Tanis of
Kovna. It is a large, powerful institution of talmidei
chachomim who are great in Torah and yirah and
crowned with all the middos that Chazal enumerate
through which the Torah is acquired. The existence of the
yeshiva depends only on the spirit of the nedivei
ho'om . . . It is one of the most necessary and
honorable institutions and it contains chachomim
yerei'im from the best of Yerushalaim. Fortunate is the
lot of those who act on behalf of this yeshiva, a treasure
house of Torah and yir'oh in the ir hakodesh.
He will be blessed with all good and the brochos said
about those who support the Torah and its learners. It is
understood that it is done according to the laws of the
(signed) Chaim HaLevi Soloveitchik Brisk, Lithuania
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