Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Shevat 5760 - January 26, 2000 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Opinion & Comment
War Criminals Must be Punished

To The Editor:

It is with a sense of deep disappointment that I feel obligated to put pen to paper in protest at recent developments here in Australia. As an Australian Jew and rabbi to a Congregation comprising almost one thousand Holocaust survivors and their families, I am extremely disturbed by the Government's handling of the Konrad Kalejs affair.

Alleged complicity in the annihilation of over thirty thousand human beings is a crime that beggars the imagination and is clearly beyond our capacity to comprehend.

By all means, every individual has the right to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but surely allegations of this astonishing scale deserve, nay demand, investigation down to the very last shred of evidence.

How ironic it is that a nation which has spared no expense to try and repatriate and bring to justice a fugitive businessman from Spain, finds it too difficult to fully investigate allegations of mass murder on an unfathomable scale against one of it's citizens. At the very minimum it surely wouldn't be too difficult to extradite him to Latvia who are more than willing to put him on trial.

To my mind, it is clearly incongruous with the image of fairness, justice and morality which Australia enjoys internationally, that an alleged mass murderer find safe haven here after being refused such protection in so many other parts of the world. Furthermore, to those who say that the individual concerned is in his late eighties and should be left alone, I say that it is a disgrace to and damning indictment upon the civilized world as well as a blot on humanity's collective conscience that such alleged crimes could have gone unpunished for the last fifty years.

Coincidentally, on the very same day that the news of Kalejs' return was reported on the radio, a different news item read in the same bulletin caught my attention. Three fish in the new Melbourne Aquarium, out of its three thousand new marine residents, had died, and due to the outcry of the RSPCA, investigations were underway to determine the cause, presumed to be polluted sand! How shameful it felt as a human being and as an Australian, to realize, that responsibility for the massacre of thirty thousand innocent men, women and children, was somehow less deserving of investigation, some fifty years after their blood and cries were swallowed up by the earth, than three fish in an aquarium!

I personally have a community of Holocaust survivors to minister to. I know well of the outrage of my own family, who are Holocaust survivors, as well as that of the whole community over this matter.

I fully agree a man is innocent until proven guilty. But in the name of humanity, justice and G-d, as well as the memory of all those martyred victims, I implore you to leave no stone unturned, no fence standing in the pursuit of justice for the indescribable atrocities of the Holocaust.

Human life is worth more than fish.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Yonason Abraham

Rav, Caulfield Shule

Member of the Melbourne Beis Din

NOTE: This letter was written by a chareidi rav to the leaders of Australia regarding the issue of the Nazi war criminal Mr. Kalejs. This letter was also printed in the local Australian Jewish newspapers. The writer has received the support of the opposition party so far, and is awaiting the reactions of other leaders.

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