Trying to Solve the Immigration Time Bomb
According to the official statistics of the Interior Ministry, more than half of the immigrants who arrived from the former Soviet Union (now the C.I.S.) in the past year are not Jewish. This refers to people whom no one considers Jewish. They were not converted to Judaism by anyone, and in most cases have to desire to do so. They declare openly and without any equivocation that they are not Jewish. Many are believing Christians and have every intention of continuing to practice their faith in Israel. They are 100% non-Jews, through and through.
Principles of Education
by HaRav Nosson Einfeld
Insights and thoughts on various aspects of chinuch from a veteran Torah educator.
Beware of Subconscious Hypocrisy
by HaRav Eliezer Dunner
The Maggid of Dubno emphasizes in a moshol how a person often inadvertently contradicts himself. R' Reuven Klein would always remain in shul after shacharis to study Torah before going to work. Once Sir Peter Conrad, a prosperous businessman of the Royal Court, came to Reuven's house to conclude a profitable transaction with him while Reuven was still studying in shul...
One Pruta
by L. Jungerman
"And Yaakov remained alone." He forgot several small jars and returned for them. From here we learn that tzaddikim cherish their possessions more than their bodies. Why? Because they heed themselves from theft" (Rashi quoting from Chulin).
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