New Realities and Old Attitudes
Events surrounding this year's Israel Independence Day (Yom
Ha'atzma'ut) provide important indications of current and
future social trends.
Principles of Education
by HaRav Nosson Einfeld
More insights and thoughts on various aspects of
chinuch from a veteran Torah educator.
Balmy Spring Weather
by Rabbi Nosson Zeev Grossman
Spring began in Nisan and on Pesach we stopped saying
morid hagoshem or requesting Hashem vesein tal
umottor livrochoh in Shemoneh Esrei. It is natural
that at such a time we review what last winter brought in its
wake: very heavy rainfall and damage caused by howling winds,
cold, and stormy weather in Europe.
Then From Sinai Were They
by L. Jungerman
"Why are the laws of shmitta associated specifically
with [having been given from] Mt. Sinai? [To teach us that}
just as the laws of shmitta inclusive of their general
rules and particulars were transmitted at Sinai, so were all
the commandments taught at Sinai, inclusive of their general
rules and particular details" (Rashi).
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