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OPINION & COMMENT The only thing that is clear from the report published by the State Prosecutor's Office and the General Security Services about the relationship between successful suicide bombings and the peace process is that neither the "Peace with Security" proposed by the Likud, nor the "Peace Now" advocated by the Left is a miracle solution -- the situation is just too complex. The Keruvim and Torah
Education Moreinu HaRav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch zt'l points out (in his commentary on the Torah, parshas Terumah) that the keruvim mentioned in Tanach have two definite functions: (a) as watchers and protectors, and (b) as bearers of the Kisei Hakovod. Two Tables or Two Worlds? "When a woman conceives and gives birth to a boy . . . " (Vayikro-Tazria 12:1). Rabbi Yochonon said, If a person is worthy, he inherits two worlds -- this one and the next. Loshon Hora -- Raising One's Self
Esteem At Another's Expense This week's parshiyos deal with the laws of tzora'as, the particular condition that comes as a punishment for slanderous speech, a sin whose penalty is mighty indeed. Thinking About the Antireligious Minority Recently, an article in the Yated Ne'eman described an attack by secular activists on a religious school in Tzoran in central Israel. Black Hats, Bad Guys Let me confess at the outset: I'm an Orthodox Jewish fundamentalist. That seems to be the term these days for those of us who believe in the divine origin and eternally binding nature of the Torah and who endeavor to comply with the requirements of Jewish religious law (halacha) -- as Jews have done for millennia. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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