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OPINION & COMMENT Media Coverage Does not Imply Importance
Editors and producers have to come up with material that interests the public, and they can only choose from what they have available, that is, what has happened recently. But all these ways of weighing what goes on a front page have nothing to do with the intrinsic importance of the story.
Chesed and Rachamim; "And it will be -- eikev tishme'un -- on account of your listening to these laws, and your guarding and keeping them, [then] Hashem will keep the covenant and the kindness which He promised to your forefathers" (Devorim 7:12). Rashi explains the words eikev tishme'un as follows: "And . . . if you listen to the easy, `insignificant' mitzvos, that are usually trodden under heel . . . Hashem will keep . . . " Firsthand Memories of Kelm In order to "touch the Tree of Knowledge" of Kelm, we dared seek out Maran Hagaon R' Dovid Povarsky [now zt'l], rosh yeshivas Ponevezh, disciple of the giants of knowledge from that great Torah-producing institution of Kelm. His master and mentor, was the Mashgiach, R' Yeruchom Levovitz ztzvk'l, and he actually studied there for a certain period in his life. The Rosh Yeshiva granted us an interview which enriched us with several facts, to which we have added a compendium of words addressed by him in his home at the occasion of a seuda shelishis gathering of a rapt audience of talmidim. Stop Harassing the Torah-Observant! The shocking incident of a shul being burnt together with its sifrei Torah in the Gilo neighborhood of Yerushalayim is bad news for all of us. Even if the identity of those behind this shameful deed remains unknown, the fact itself that something so fiendish can happen in our country is enough to shake each one of us. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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