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IN-DEPTH FEATURES Chassidus Ashkenaz Restored:
HaRav Yechiel Schlesinger zt'l -- 9th Adar 5759, His
Fiftieth Yahrtzeit Part I
HaRav Yechiel Schlesinger zt'l, rosh yeshiva and
founder of Yeshivas Kol Torah, Yerushalayim, lived - almost
- in our own times. His yeshiva, one of the
largest and best known in Eretz Yisroel today, has a major
role in the growth of the Torah community there, and in other
countries. The most important and immediate lessons to be
learned from him are to be gained from studying his
character: his love of Torah, his brilliance, his human
qualities, his zeal and alacrity, his single-minded
dedication to spreading Torah and above all, his fear of
Heaven and of sin, that are noticeable at every point in his
life. Yet our account starts long before HaRav Schlesinger
was born, and it includes much background material along the
way, on the premise that the more detailed the portrayal and
the fuller the context, the greater will be the impact of his
The spiritual and cultural tempest which beset German and
Central European Jewry over two centuries ago with the coming
of the "enlightenment," ravaged the spiritual glory of old
and established communities that had existed in those lands
for many hundreds of years. In the birthplace of the Reform
movement, by the mid-nineteenth century, there remained in
the large cities, relatively speaking, just a handful of
families that remained steadfast in their faith and in their
commitment to Torah. Yet those few still exemplified the deep
yet simple faith, the Torah scholarship, the righteousness
and piety and the nobility of character that had once
typified the Jews of their lands.
From amongst them arose a number of valiant individuals, who
led the faithful remnant and voiced their protest over the
grave damage that had been and was being wreaked upon their
brethren. However, even though gedolei Yisroel of the
stature of the Oruch Leneir, the Wurtzburger Rav and
HaRav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch zt'l, were worthy
defenders of authentic Judaism, revered by all segments of
world Jewry, they could not reverse the clock. It was too
late to repair the damage caused by the tides that had passed
over German Jewry and swept its spiritual treasures away.
Besides these gedolim, whose names and work have
remained well-known to Torah Jews all over, there existed
numerous other great individuals, who lived, who taught and
who led the faithful among the German communities. Their
spiritual stature too, recalled the chassidei Ashkenaz
in the period of the Rishonim and was a continuum with
the glory of German Jewry during the five centuries that
followed. It was to these men that the Seridei Eish
was referring when he wrote, "It ought to be recorded for
posterity that amongst the German rabbonim were
tzaddikim, men of piety and holiness, to whom
multitudes would have flocked in other countries, to benefit
from the radiance of their Torah and [their] yirah" (ShuT
Seridei Eish, chelek II, siman 53).
Many of these great men are not better-known today both
because of their own deep humility and also because owing to
what had happened -- and the fear of it happening elsewhere --
it unfortunately became common to regard German Jewry in its
entirety as being somehow tarnished. And indeed, despite the
presence of such truly illustrious individuals, there was no
way back for the multitudes. It was only along HaRav Hirsch's
path of Torah im Derech Eretz that sizable numbers of
Yidden were able to remain within or to rejoin, the
ranks of Orthodoxy.
In the following articles, we survey the ancestry, the life
story and the work of one of the contemporary chassidei
Ashkenaz: HaRav Yechiel Schlesinger zt'l.
Although HaRav Schlesinger only attained his full stature by
drinking from the Torah wellsprings of the Hungarian and
Eastern European yeshivos of his time, he represented a type
of greatness that is associated with earlier generations of
German tzaddikim. He blended Torah greatness with
exceptional piety, absolute integrity and intense holiness. A
scion of a long and noble line of German Jewish ancestors,
HaRav Schlesinger was a key figure in the transplantation of
one of the withered branches of German Jewry to the holy soil
of Eretz Yisroel, where it flourished anew, in healthy
spiritual surroundings.
HaRav Schlesinger's immediate goal upon arriving in Eretz
Yisroel in mid 5699 (1939), was to establish a yeshiva for
the sons of the olim and refugees from the German
lands. Although the number of such families among the Torah
faithful members of the new yishuv was continually
increasing, there was no Torah institution to cater to their
own distinctive character and orientation. The need for such
an institution was urgent, for the result of them not finding
their place in the Torah community would likely be their
absorption into institutions that belonged to other, less
committed ideologies. HaRav Schlesinger also envisioned the
establishment of a Torah community grouped around the
yeshiva, that would work to recapture some of the spiritual
glory of German Jewry in its heyday.
Heaven willed otherwise however, and the vision was not
realized in its entirety. After literally giving his entire
life to his talmidim and to the yeshiva which he built
for them, HaRav Schlesinger was called to the yeshiva shel
ma'aloh at the early age of fifty, just under ten years
after the yeshiva's opening. In the half century that has
passed since then, the institution which he founded in
Yerushalayim with such purity of intention and self-
sacrifice, has flourished. Yeshivas Kol Torah gradually
became, and today remains, one of the largest and foremost
yeshivos gedolos in Eretz Yisroel, where some of the
finest students in Eretz Yisroel's yeshiva community learn
alongside many bochurim from communities all around
the world whom the yeshiva attracts. In many respects, the
indelible impression of HaRav Schlesinger's ideals and
ambitions has always shaped the yeshiva and the education it
has provided, as the thousands of alumni in Eretz
Yisroel and around the Jewish world attest.
Our survey of the rosh yeshiva's family background --
peopled by eminent personalities who are worthy of study in
their own right -- is followed by the story of his yeshiva
years in some of the prewar Torah centers of Hungary, Germany
and Lithuania, and the period of his rabbonus in
Frankfurt which culminates in the riveting account of his and
his family's last minute escape from Nazi Germany.
With HaRav Schlesinger's arrival in Eretz Yisroel, the focus
of story shifts to the painstaking work of establishing a
yeshiva tailored for the needs of a particular group, while
remaining dedicated to the highest ideals of the yeshiva
world, and the ongoing, sober yet impassioned presentation of
age-old truths to the wider community, upon which the success
of such an endeavor depends. Above and beyond the fascinating
interaction of differing traditions and approaches which was
played out in HaRav Schlesinger's experiences, and most
important for us, is the portrait which emerges of a great
marbitz Torah who dedicated every fiber of his being
to drawing his fellow Jews closer to Torah and to raising new
generations of bnei Torah, who would always remain
firmly bound to the strong roots he enabled them to sink in
the beis hamedrash.
@SUB TITLE = Reb Getschlik Schlesinger: Talmid of the
Oruch Leneir
In 5596 (1836), HaRav Yaakov Ettlinger zt'l, the
author of the Oruch Leneir, set out from Mannheim,
where he had headed his own yeshiva in the town's
kloiz for ten years, on his way to Altona in response
to that community's invitation that he serve as their rov. He
was accompanied in this move by two of his greatest and
closest talmidim, who were to assist him in opening a
yeshiva in his new domain.
One of the two was HaRav Elyokim Getzel Schlesinger
zt'l (who was also known as Reb Getschlik), to whom
several teshuvos in Binyan Tzion and in
Oruch Leneir on Yevomos are addressed. Some of
the details of that trip, which have been handed down by
family members, give an idea of the complete dedication to
Torah and the degree of immersion in its study which typified
those generations.
As the two talmidim did not possess sufficient means
to hire a coach, they made their way from Mannheim to Altona
on foot -- a distance of some five hundred kilometers. At
night, they lodged at inns along the way and spent most of
the dark hours immersed in Torah discussions.
HaRav Schlesinger was eventually called to Hamburg to head
the local kloiz, where the sound of Torah study could
be heard virtually around the clock. Despite his sharp mind,
his piercing intellect and his broad Torah knowledge, Reb
Getschlik did not adopt the title Moreinu, since this
honor was reserved for ordained rabbonim only. Since they
were not informed otherwise, it was assumed by everyone that
the new head of the kloiz never had semichah
conferred upon him.
Five years after Reb Getschlik's arrival, an additional
maggid shiur was engaged to help teach the growing
numbers of lomdim in the kloiz. Although the
new teacher had received semichah, and was
perfectly entitled to be called Moreinu, for the
community to do so would be awkward for it would give the
misleading impression that Reb Getschlik was somehow
subordinate to him. The problem was solved when a letter
arrived in Hamburg from the Oruch Leneir himself, informing
the community that his talmid Reb Getschlik actually
had received a semichah from him years earlier, but
out of modesty he had been reluctant to have it known, and
had even asked his rebbe to help him keep it a secret.
Now, however, in view of the circumstances, the Oruch Leneir
felt that it was correct to make it known that the
community's first teacher also fully deserved the title
It was not just his title that Reb Getschlik made efforts to
conceal. He also hid the true extent of his Torah greatness.
One Purim, having fulfilled the mitzvos of the day, a
slightly inebriated Reb Getschlik was asked if he would agree
to be tested on his knowledge of mishnayos. The retort
was, "Do you imagine I'm drunk?" and it was accompanied by
Reb Getschlik's ready agreement to tackle questions on any
mishna anywhere in Shas. Whichever
mishna his colleagues started reading from, he
continued by heart. After completing the text of the
mishna, he went on to repeat the comments of the
Bartenura and ended up with the Tosfos Yom Tov. Some hours
later however, Reb Getschlik deeply regretted his
uncharacteristic behavior and he used it as an example to his
own talmidim of the dire consequence of indulging in
too much drink.
Reb Getschlik's greatness was recognized by the members of
his generation, both great and small. In a reply to someone
who had written asking him about repenting his sins, HaRav
Ezriel Hildesheimer zt'l, wrote, "As to giving advice
about undertaking fasts and the like -- I am not the man to
consult. However, for this purpose, I know a man of G-d, who
is like very, very few others that I know, the rav and
gaon Rabbi Getz Schlesinger, an extraordinary
talmid chochom, a holy and a pure man. He may be able
to make tikunim available to you."
Rav Binyomin Ze'ev Jacobson zt'l, relates that Reb
Getschlik was the only rov in Germany who was referred to by
people as hakodosh. There were many who travelled to
Hamburg to seek a brocho from him, among them a young
R' Yaakov Rosenheim zt'l, who recalled in his memoirs
being taken by his father to Hamburg when he was eighteen
years old to see Reb Getschlik. The latter's grandson, HaRav
Yechiel (he was sometimes also known as "Michel" which is a
diminuitive for the name "Yechiel"), knew that stories
circulated about how his grandfather's prayers and blessings
had been instrumental in various wondrous occurrences and
Though there were many outstanding talmidei chachomim
learning in the Hamburg kloiz, it was to Reb Getschlik
that the communal leaders unanimously turned when the city's
rov, HaRav Osher Stern zt'l, was niftar just
two weeks before Pesach, asking him to fill the position.
Typically, Reb Getschlik replied that he agreed to stand in
only as a temporary replacement to deal with the pressing
shailos that demanded attention just then. The
community was in no great rush to find anyone else, however,
and Reb Getschlik remained in the rov's position for almost a
full year, until the community was shaken by an event that
had dire consequences.
When nearly a year had passed, an incident involving a
mistakenly contracted kiddushin took place. Reb
Getschlik's fear of sin was boundless and he ruled
stringently, requiring that a get be given, to counter
any shade of suspicion that the kiddushin had been
effective. Powerful elements in the community were opposed to
this, preferring that the entire incident be hushed up in
order to save the faces of the respectable families whose
members had been involved. Reb Getschlik fought to have the
matter made known and when his efforts met with no success,
he resigned his post. He remained deeply troubled however by
the lack of action on the part of the parties and their
supporters, and the possibility of tragedy that was being
courted. As a result, he became weak and took ill. His
situation worsened during the summer months and he passed
away in suffering on the twentieth of Elul 5660 (1900).
The following description of Reb Getschlik and his life's
work was engraved upon his matzeivoh: Ner Yisroel,
Pillar of Torah and Storehouse of Yiroh, the
gaon and chossid . . . fluent in every part of
Torah; he stood like a raised banner for all his generation
and the light of his Torah illuminated afar; holy and pure
from the day of his birth . . . he devoted every day and each
moment to his Maker's glory and he chose to shelter in his G-
d's sanctuary; he pursued justice throughout his life; his
deeds were kindness and truth; humility and going modestly
with his G-d were the crown of his character.
@SUB TITLE = The Lamed-Vovnik of Hamburg: HaRav Eliezer
Lipmann Schlesinger
HaRav Yechiel's father, HaRav Eliezer Lipmann, combined the
traits of greatness in Torah and character with modesty and
utter self effacement, just as his father Reb Getschlik had.
An appreciation of his true greatness lies beyond us. Based
upon the little we know, we can only imagine what his stature
must have been.
Reb Getschlik for example, was well versed in kabolo
as well as in the revealed Torah and though he transmitted
this knowledge of his to his son, Rav Eliezer Lipmann himself
did not reveal this knowledge of his to anyone. Those who
were knowledgeable enough themselves however, such as the
Admorim who used to stay as guests at the Schlesinger
home in Hamburg, noted that every movement of Rav Eliezer's
was made in accordance with the dictates of halocho as
well as the teachings of kabolo. He was thus known to
them as "the Lamed-vovnik of Hamburg." He was also
referred to as Hechosid mei'Ashkenaz and Reb Yeruchom
Levovitz zt'l, the Mirrer mashgiach, described
him as a living Mesilas Yeshorim.
HaRav Eliezer Lipmann received semichah from his
father when he was eighteen years old. His main teacher
however was HaRav Ezriel Hildesheimer, who also conferred
semichah upon him. When he was about to become
engaged, Rav Eliezer Lipmann stipulated that he be allowed to
travel to Bobruisk, Russia to learn for a year before the
wedding. He wished to study there with HaRav Refoel Shapiro,
son-in-law of the Netziv and father-in-law of Rav Chaim
Soloveitchik zt'l. The Netziv had been an acquaintance
of Reb Getschlik's and this was apparently why the son of the
latter particularly desired to learn under the son-in-law of
the former. Though he learned with great application while in
Russia, Rav Eliezer Lipmann was loathe to live as anybody's
guest and he supported himself by giving private lessons in
mathematics to the son of one of the town's wealthy
He maintained this practice throughout his life, and was
unwilling to derive the slightest monetary benefit from
learning and teaching Torah, in accordance with the basic
halocho as stated in the gemora. He taught
limudei kodesh for thirty-six years in the Hamburg
Talmud Torah School, yet he refused to accept any salary for
those hours, his source of income being the lessons in
mathematics and chemistry which he also gave there. He also
conducted shiurim for ba'alei batim and other
young people, his schedule beginning well before daybreak and
ending late at night -- yet he would not take any payment
from them.
With such a teacher, the pupils in the Hamburg Talmud Torah
never lost sight of the goal of their education. HaRav
Eliezer Lipmann's students testified that one could draw fear
of sin even from his classes in math and chemistry, not to
mention from his limudei kodesh.
Incidentally, his knowledge of mathematics was so extensive
that he was offered a chair in that discipline at the local
university, a position which would have afforded him a much
more comfortable livelihood than the one he eked out from his
few hours of teaching. He turned the post down however,
giving two reasons for doing so. First, he explained, a
minute of teaching Torah to Jewish children was worth more
than the most lucrative professorship and second, he had an
older brother who was also a scholar of mathematics and he
feared that it would cause his brother distress were he to
accept the appointment.
Rav Eliezer would rise at four a.m. and begin his day with
two shiurim for ba'alei batim, before
shacharis. The family was always particular about
tevilas Ezra, and his brother R' Yechiel was known to
break the ice that covered the surface of the mikveh
in the winter in order to immerse himself. While all could
see that Rav Eliezer's days were filled with teaching Torah,
none could guess at the depth of his learning until his
hearing began to fail and the doctor attributed it to
exertion and mental effort.
Likewise, the true breadth of his Torah knowledge was
revealed to all when, in his old age, Rav Eliezer Lipmann's
sight failed him, and he continued giving his shiurim
on gemora and commentaries by heart. When his son Rav
Yechiel was invited to address the Hamburg community, he
reviewed his speech at home in his father's hearing. Rav
Eliezer Lipmann derived much pleasure from listening, but he
also put his son right several times on the exact wording of
the gemoras he was quoting, though he had no
seforim in front of him!
@SUB TITLE = In the Eyes of Two Who Knew Him
Here are some personal recollections of a grandson of HaRav
Eliezer Lipmann, ylct'a, HaRav Elyokim Getzel
Schlesinger, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Horomoh in
London, who stayed for a time in his grandparents' home when
he was a young boy of six.
HaRav Schlesinger recalled the impression which the
atmosphere of restraint in the home made upon him, even at
such an early age. He was also impressed by his grandfather's
measured, controlled movements. If he behaved too
boisterously, a serious expression would enter his
grandfather's eyes and he would pass his hand over the
child's head. When this happened, his grandmother immediately
called him from the room because grandfather was "angry."
One night, a meeting was held in the house on some communal
matter and, as was customary, a blank sheet of paper was laid
beside every place for recording notes and comments. The
following morning, young Elyokim Getzel surveyed the table.
Every sheet was covered with scribbles and writing, with one
exception -- the paper before his grandfather's place was
clean and unmarked.
When the days of selichos arrived and Rav Eliezer
Lipmann wanted to awaken his young grandchild to accompany
him, he did so by standing next to his bed, repeating over
and over again, "Selichos, Getschi, selichos.
Getschi, selichos. . . "
He continued thus for a long time, his calls growing neither
louder nor quicker; neither did he put out his hand to shake
the boy awake. This was the pattern each and every day; he
was woken by the same calm, restrained calling.
Further light is shed upon Rav Eliezer Lipmann's illustrious
personality by the following lines of hesped which
were delivered by his mechutan, R' Yaakov Rosenheim,
who extolled the almost forty years during which, "he
influenced generations of talmidim with his
shiurim in gemora, that were based upon his
deep and broad Torah knowledge, and which were at the same
time shiurim in faith and true yiras Shomayim. . .
For a short time, he even served as director of the
Talmud Torah, but he resigned this post so that he could
devote more time to Torah. He was a talmid chochom in
the full sense of the expression, by virtue of his
fundamental knowledge of the sources of halocho in
Shas and poskim; knowledge that was neither
sullied by the slightest shadow of unclarity, nor undermined
by any trace of doubt or of guessing an answer. Such
knowledge was the product of unceasing application, of a
wonderful memory and of a systematic way of thinking. These
endowments brought him extraordinary tranquility of spirit,
which constantly directed him upwards, along the path of the
upright . . .
"His clear thoughts, his determined spirit and his deep
emotions, were all branded with the seal of true yiras
Shomayim. Thanks to them, he knew how to imbue his
household, the school and the community with the piety of
German Jewry, how to show favor to a young child with a
glance full of love and how to feel the suffering of Klal
Yisroel. He served as a living example of trust in Hashem
and of living in the light of His Torah. I heard one of the
honorable elderly members of the kehilla saying, `One
would have to traverse seas and continents in order to learn
Torah and middos from Lipmann Schlesinger' -- and that
is no exaggeration. Another maspid enumerated the
levels of the Mesilas Yeshorim, showing how he had
attained every one of them -- that too is no exaggeration.
The hundreds, rich and poor alike, who found counsel and
guidance in his blessed home, will testify that it was so.
The hundreds of disciples who were fortunate to obtain Torah
and yiroh from him, will also testify that it was so,
as will his own family, his three sons and his daughter, the
products of his training and his heritage!"
@SUB TITLE = First Blossoms
The home in which HaRav Yechiel grew up was also shaped by
his mother, a daughter of HaRav Nochum Zev Wreschner
zt'l, whose father, the rov of Zarkov, had been a very
close talmid of Rabbi Akiva Eiger zt'l. Her
mother was a granddaughter of the Beis Meir on both
sides, as well as of the Pnei Yehoshua and the
Moginei Shlomo.
According to family tradition, her son, HaRav Yechiel, was
the hundredth rov among the descendants of the Beis
Meir. Although Rav Nochum Zev possessed a record of his
family's lineage to Rashi and thereby all the way back to
Dovid Hamelech, he belittled it so that misplaced pride would
not turn the heads of any of the family. It was in the home
that HaRav Nochum Zev's daughter, Sorah, built together with
HaRav Eliezer Lipmann that HaRav Yechiel received his
earliest education.
As a boy, Yechiel attended the Hamburg Talmud Torah, where
his father HaRav Eliezer Lipmann taught. The institution had
been founded by HaRav Mendel Frankfurter z'l, and its
program of studies had been arranged in accordance with the
Torah im Derech Eretz outlook by a previous rav of the
city, Chacham Yitzchok Bernays zt'l, who had
been a colleague of the Oruch Leneir (who served as
rav in neighboring Altona), and who was the rebbe of
HaRav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch zt'l.
Young Yechiel's overpowering love for learning Torah was
apparent very early on and he would spend hours engrossed in
learning gemora and commentaries. In the Hamburg
Talmud Torah it was obligatory to go outside for recess and
get excercise. Yechiel used to take a gemora and walk
from one side of the school yard to the other during the
recess period.
Besides his great love of Torah, his piety, his fear of sin
and his righteous conduct were also apparent to his mentors
and his friends from a very young age. His tefillos
were offered amid great emotion and deep yearning. He took
great care over every syllable he uttered and every movement
he made. His father greatly rejoiced over his young son and
once, as he fondled Yechiel on his lap, he was heard to
exclaim, "I don't know how I merited having such a gifted
When Yechiel was older, he began learning with the city's
rav, HaRav Avrohom Shmuel Binyomin Spitzer zt'l, a
native of Hungary and a product of its yeshivos. HaRav
Spitzer trained his talmid in the approach to learning
of the yeshivos where he himself had developed. Each
sugya was studied comprehensively, with all the
relevant opinions of Rishonim and Acharonim, as
well as any other sugyos that had a bearing on the
topic. The thrust of the study was directed towards achieving
a thorough understanding of the practical halocho that
resulted from the varying interpretations of the
gemora and the resultant opinions.
The high estimation in which HaRav Spitzer held his
talmid is apparent from the fact that he conferred
semichah on him, which he usually made a point of
refraining from doing. To a request from one of Rav Yechiel's
colleagues for a similar honor, the rav responded that he
would only agree, "when you display the same fluency in
maseches Chulin, gemora, Rashi and Tosafos page
by page, with the gemora open in front of you, as Rav
Yechiel does without it!" (And on another occasion, the rov
remarked, "I'm not worried about the future of Torah Jewry in
Germany if it can raise a godol like Reb Yechiel!")
It was on HaRav Spitzer's recommendation that Rav Yechiel set
out for the yeshiva of HaRav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky zt'l
(the Maharytz), in Galante, which was then one of the most
thriving of the Hungarian yeshivos, for what was to be one of
the happiest periods of his life.
@SUB TITLE = A Rebbe for Life
A very close relationship developed between HaRav Yechiel and
HaRav Dushinsky, and it remained so until their deaths, only
several months apart in 5709 (1949). HaRav Yechiel regarded
HaRav Dushinsky as his rebbe muvhak, and on a number
of occasions the latter showed the extraordinary estimation
he had for his beloved talmid, whom he addressed in
one of his teshuvos (chelek I, siman 51), "My beloved
and cherished talmid, outstanding and exceptional in
Torah and yiras Shomayim. . . "
The Maharytz would tell other gedolim, his colleagues,
that his talmid Reb Michel from Hamburg, possessed the
quality of "making his teacher wise." He would extol his
outstanding talmid's tremendous toil in Torah to them
and his total application, and would reveal his discovery
that Reb Michel learned far into the night, with his feet
immersed in a bowl of cold water to keep him awake. (Another
method which Reb Yechiel used to fight sleep was to hold a
burning candle between his fingers, which soon aroused him if
he slumbered for more than a few moments.) In addition, HaRav
Dushinsky would often remark that Reb Michel was at home in
all of Shas and those close to the Maharytz related
that Reb Yechiel was a very close confidante of his while
still a bochur in the yeshiva.
The method of study employed in the Hungarian yeshivos of
those days differed markedly from that of the Lithuanian
ones. While in the latter, the major part of the time was
devoted to the students' independent learning, the learning
in the former was centered around shiurim, of which
there were usually three: an in-depth shiur [iyun], a
simple shiur [bekius] and a topical [sugya]
shiur that dealt exhaustively with a particular subject
in the gemora that was being studied.
The Maharytz would often combine all three, delivering them
together and lecturing for long stretches -- sometimes up to
six hours -- at a time. He would elaborate at great length
and in great detail on the comments of all the major
Rishonim, and would then go on to show how the points
raised by the Acharonim were thereby addressed. (HaRav
Dushinsky's contemporaries were amazed at the amount of time
he allotted to the delivery of his shiur, wondering
how it was that a communal rav and leader, who was burdened
with a thousand different queries and concerns, found the
time and the strength to say any major shiurim, let
alone such long ones.)
Despite his own grueling regimen of independent learning, Reb
Yechiel attended all of HaRav Dushinsky's shiurim,
standing up throughout as he feared that he would doze off
from exhaustion if he sat down. Since all the other
talmidim were seated though, he would bend down over
the table, so as not to be any higher than the others.
Although it was not generally his practice to interrupt the
shiur for questions, the Maharytz would stop in order
to respond to Reb Yechiel's points and comments, and would
discuss them with him.
In his burning love of learning, Reb Yechiel was somewhat
overextending himself. As well as depriving himself of sleep,
everything else was done as quickly as possible, or sometimes
not at all. Letters home were composed hurriedly, while he
leaned on a window sill in the beis hamedrash.
HaRav Dushinsky made a point of ensuring that his
talmidim maintained order and cleanliness in
themselves and in their surroundings. He had occasion to
upbraid Reb Yechiel about such matters, noting that he was
going about in creased trousers and with unpolished shoes.
Out of concern for his talmid's health, his
rebbe asked the owner of the house where Reb Yechiel
lodged to make sure that all the lights were extinguished by
a reasonable hour -- but this did not help. In fact, Reb
Yechiel overworked to the point where he required treatment
at the local hospital.
When the Maharytz moved with his yeshiva to Choust, after
having been invited to serve there by the community in 5680
(1920), Rav Yechiel returned to Germany. He nevertheless
maintained contact with HaRav Dushinsky, consulting him about
every major step he took in life. On a number of occasions,
Rav Yechiel would praise the approach to learning and the
guidance offered in the Hungarian yeshivos, which were close
to his heart.
Almost twenty years later, when Rav Yechiel arrived in Eretz
Yisroel, HaRav Dushinsky (who had been appointed seven years
before as av beis din of the Eida HaChareidis
and successor to HaRav Yosef Chaim Sonenenfeld zt'l),
honored his distinguished talmid with delivering a
shiur in his yeshiva; an honor which his older
talmidim said he had not bestowed on anybody else
throughout his fifty years as a rosh yeshiva. Twice a
year, on Shabbos Hagodol and on Shabbos Shuvoh, Rav Yechiel
would make what was then a trek across the city, from his
home in Yerushalayim's Kiryat Shmuel neighborhood to
Beis Yisroel, to listen to the drosho of the
@SUB TITLE = One Chapter Closes and a New One Opens
It was at the request of his father, HaRav Eliezer Lipmann,
that Rav Yechiel then joined the Rabbiner Seminar in Berlin,
in order to attain the further, secular, qualifications that
were necessary for obtaining any position as a rov in the
land of his birth. By so doing, he was treading a path that
several past gedolei Torah had followed, such as the
Oruch Leneir, the Nachal Eshkol and others. The Seminary,
which had been founded by HaRav Ezriel Hildesheimer, was led
at that time by HaRav Dovid Tzvi Hoffman zt'l, (author
of Teshuvos Melameid Leho'il) whose Torah knowledge
and character made a deep impression upon HaRav Yechiel.
HaRav Hoffman was succeeded by HaRav Avrohom Eliyohu Kaplan
zt'l, a young and brilliant talmid chochom, who
was one of the finest products of the famous Slobodke Yeshiva
of Kovno, Lithuania. It was through HaRav Kaplan that HaRav
Yechiel made his first acquaintance with the Lithuanian
approach to learning, with its emphasis on logical analysis,
accurate definition, and deep, penetrating reflection, so as
to reveal the building blocks of each topic and discover the
ideas and concepts that were the underpinnings of its
discussion in the gemora. For Rav Yechiel, there now
began a process of fusion of the Hungarian and the Lithuanian
approaches in his own learning (though it is more accurate to
regard them as stresses on different aspects of the learning,
rather than two distinct approaches). He found no
contradiction between them and adopted the best of each.
He engaged in the secular studies in the knowledge that other
disciplines served only as "handmaidens" to the only true
wisdom, the wisdom of Torah. From his youth, Rav Yechiel had
an inclination for natural science. (It was said that he knew
the names of a thousand species of plants.) However, the
discipline to which he had since dedicated his life -- Torah -
- led him to pursue a different course in the studies which
he now had to undertake. He concentrated on Semitic
languages, receiving his doctorate for a comprehensive
dissertation on The Construction of Aramaic in the Talmud
and the Midrashic Literature. The depth and the breadth
of knowledge which this work displayed resulted in its
becoming a standard textbook for courses in this field. As a
result of his outstanding performance, Reb Yechiel was also
offered a choice of academic posts, all of which he of course
declined. Many scholars who saw his doctorate were convinced
that it could only be the fruit of a lifetime's dedication to
research in this field and when Rav Yechiel's
rebbetzin heard about this in later years, she asked
him how long it had actually taken him to compose. He
replied, "I wrote it in the course of one year, in the time
that remained after completing the fixed sedorim of
Torah learning." Although we don't know exactly how much time
remained to Rav Yechiel after his regular sedorim, it
should be noted that in other years we know that he was in
the habit of learning virtually all through the night as well
as the day.
His reply is reminiscent of the Netziv's, to a certain
maskil who had expressed his amazement at the former's
mastery of Hebrew Grammar, despite the fact that he spent all
his time learning Torah, while the maskil, who had
devoted himself to the study of grammar all his life, was in
no way superior to him. The Netziv replied by comparing his
own situation to that of a customer making a large order at
a store, who is not charged for the packing materials he
needs to take away his purchase, and the maskil's to
that of a stranger who enters the store after him and asks
for a quantity of free wrapping paper and string, for which
he is of course expected to pay in full.
During this period, Rav Yechiel also made a specialized study
of the times of day in halocho. He produced two
monographs on this topic entitled Sho'os Zemaniyos and
Eizehu Bein Hashemoshos? (clarifying the opinion of
the geonim who disagree with Rabbenu Tam), and
these appeared in the rabbinical periodical Yeshurun,
published in Berlin by Rabbi Dr. Joseph Wohlgemuth
zt'l. These works too, remain important sources for
subsequent lomdim researching this topic, and several
other works written since have been based on Rav Yechiel's
When the halachic debate over the international dateline
arose with the arrival of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Japan in the
early years of the Second World War, Rav Yechiel was one of
the authorities consulted regarding which days should be kept
as Shabbos and Yom Kippur. His nephew, HaRav E. G.
Schlesinger of London recalls having asked Rav Yechiel in
later years why he did not republish the pamphlet on bein
hashemoshos. His uncle replied that he had since
retracted many of the things that he had written there as a
young man and that he intended revising the work and
publishing a new, different treatment of the subject. Sadly,
this plan was never realized.
Rav Yechiel had perhaps originally expected to seek a
position upon completion of his studies in Berlin but as a
result possibly of HaRav Kaplan's urging, or at least his
influence, he decided to first travel eastwards, to slake his
tremendous thirst for Torah in the great Lithuanian yeshivos.
When HaRav Kaplan was niftar suddenly at a very young
age, his talmid from Hamburg was asked to be one of
the maspidim. However, when Rav Yechiel went up to
speak and stood facing the aron, his tears choked him
and, completely overcome, he was unable to utter a word.
The distress which having to spend part of his time involved
with other studies for his doctorate occasioned Rav Yechiel,
and his great joy at finally being freed from their yoke, are
evident in his reaction upon their completion. As soon as he
heard that he had received his doctorate, he sent a brief
telegram home containing the message, "Ben chorin la'asok
beTorah (Free to study Torah)," to which his father HaRav
Eliezer Lipmann commented, "I was waiting for such a
Already a talmid chochom of considerable standing,
HaRav Yechiel had the greatness to regard himself as a
talmid, as he readied himself to imbibe Torah and
mussar from some of the greatest personalities of the
generation. It was towards Slobodke, where his mentor HaRav
Kaplan had developed, that he first set his sights.
End of Part I
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